giovedì 21 agosto 2008

Un robot risolve il cubo di Rubik

Uno studente del Florida Institute of Technology mostra come un robot può risolvere il cubo di Rubik utilizzando un software chiamato Cube Explorer.

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  5. Wonderful example of how technology can be used to solve problems! This Florida Tech student demonstrates how software and robotics can be used to solve the Rubik's Cube. As fascinating as it is, similar to Car Detailing Ottawa accuracy, it's an example of how human creativity can coexist with cutting-edge technology. Let's celebrate creativity at its best!

  6. What a wonderful demonstration of technology and inventiveness! It's really amazing how the Florida Institute of Technology student used Cube Explorer software to show off a robot that could solve the Rubik's Cube. Finding the best Car detailing near me ottawa takes knowledge and attention to detail, just like the accuracy and ability seen in this achievement. Let's celebrate creativity and superiority in addressing problems!

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